Thrive Renewables: a vision for a more sustainable future
Thrive Renewables connects people to sustainable energy. At a time when the Ludlow Food Festival is striving to be the most environmentally friendly, sustainable and zero waste food festival in the UK, we could not be happier to have this innovative organisation as one of our key sponsors.

Thrive Renewables: a vision for a more sustainable future
Thrive Renewables connects people to sustainable energy. It offers accessible opportunities for individuals and businesses to invest in clean energy projects that deliver financial, environmental and social rewards. Thanks to their community of over 6,250 investors – large and small – they have been building and operating renewable energy projects in the UK since 1994.
At a time when the Ludlow Food Festival is striving to be the most environmentally friendly, sustainable and zero waste food festival in the UK, we could not be happier to have this innovative organisation as one of our key sponsors.
We spoke to Thrive Renewable’s Matthew Clayton to find out more:
Can you give us an example of some of your most innovative and successful projects?
Our innovative community energy funding bridge is enabling a community to purchase Mean Moor Wind Farm in Cumbria from a developer. The funding bridge is giving them time to raise the funds before paying Thrive back over an agreed period. We are also running similar projects with a solar farm in Shropshire and a wind farm in the Scottish Borders.
We are also seeing significant opportunities in private-wire renewables. This is when we deliver renewable electricity directly to a company, generating both cost and carbon savings. The combined benefit of lower energy costs and improved environmental credential helps the companies to win new business and also works to protect local employment.
One such project is at a potato preparation facility in Cambridgeshire – perhaps we’ll get to enjoy some of these renewably prepared potatoes at the food festival!
How much or how little can someone invest to be part of future projects?
We exist to offer accessible and rewarding investment opportunities to all. People can invest as little as £50 to be part of the Thrive Family, helping to support more renewable energy generation in the UK.
What is the vision and mission for Thrive Renewables?
Vision: We believe in a clean, smart energy system powered by the investment of many.
Mission: To power the transition to a sustainable energy future by helping people meaningfully connect with clean energy projects.
How important is it to reach out to people via an event such as the Ludlow Food Festival?
At Thrive we unite people with a common interest in cleaning up the UK’s energy mix and we know that together we can make a real difference.
We already have 6,250 investors and our portfolio delivered a reduction of 79,570 tonnes carbon emissions in 2017. By 2020, we have pledged to grow our investor base to 10,000 and invest into a portfolio that delivers over 100,000t CO2e reductions a year. We have big ambitions, and think the Food Festival will be a great opportunity to meet like-minded people – all while eating delicious food!
What are you looking forward to most about joining us for the Festival in September?
We’re mostly looking forward to being inspired by the conversations with festival goers and exhibitors.
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